Jabon Gallina Negra de Glicerina 100g

Debe ser usado a dairo como una eficaz protoeccion. Creando una armadure contra la magia negra, hechizos y trabajos de brujeria que le hayan echo a usted. 

Black Hen Spiritual Bar Soap 3.5 oz

It must be used daily as an effective protection. Creating an armor against black magic, spells and witchcraft that have been done to you.

I'm dedicated to providing 5 gold star service and 100% satisfaction to every buyer. 

Please email me via ebay with any questions or concerns before bidding and/or after receiving product

  I will do my best to resolve any problem. 

Thank You! 

Disclaimer: Pursuant to the current State and Federal laws, we are unable to make any claim as to the effectiveness either magickal or medicinal of any of our products. While our products are either traditional or specific to the craft we are unable to make any guarantees and must advise they are "Sold as Curios Only"