Our 4" ribbed Bottom Licker is a one of a kind custom Craw made to get you those tournament winning big bites. It's the perfect for flipping into thick cover, dragging along rocky bottoms, skipping under docks, and it also works great as a trailer for jigs, chatterbaits, and spinnerbaits. The Bottom Licker is durable and can get in and out of cover with ease including grass, thick mats, reeds, lily pads, grass mats, cheese, hydrilla, or any type of overhanging habitat that requires punching the bait through to get into the basses environment.

After designing and testing this bait, we decided to use a medium grade plastisol. This grade gives the bait durability, but doesn't sacrifice the action the bait gives off to attract a hungry bass. This also allowed us to make the plastic boyant so the claws float, giving it that aggressive stance the Bass can't resist

A single bait holds the durability and versatility fishermen need as opposed to most other craws on the market. We believe you will catch more fish just by using one craw. Our field testing discovered that one craw on average would land 5-7 fish.

The Bottom Licker is also an amazing trailer when swimming along rock, grass, and points. This craw has been tested on jigs, chatterbaits, spinnerbaits, buzzbaits (and even wobble heads), and surpassed our expectations, every time. The Bottom Licker hides your hook into it's ribs perfectly (without pulling or tugging on the bait) making it completely weedless. Due to it's identical shape on both sides it can be flipped over providing additional fish catches per bait.

Rigging: The ideal rig we've found for these is on a Texas Rig or as a flipping or a jig trailer. Using a baitcaster with 40+ pound braid or 15+ pound fluorocarbon, you can use any bullet weight with an EWG hook and are able to flip the craw anywhere completely weedless.

Additional Rigging Options:

Jig Trailer



Wobble Head


Tokyo Rig

Chatterbait/Spinnerbait Trailer

Swim Jig Trailer

Buzzbait Trailer

Texas Rig EWG Weedless

Weedless Swimbait Head


Free Rig Trailer

Neko Rig

Durability: Medium, 5-7 fish/bait

Length: 4"

Bait Design: The body shape has 2 flat claws, leading into a rounded shaped ribbed body, and 4 additional smaller flat claws about a third of the way back on the body. The tail is rounded in the perfect shape for a bullet weight to fit snugly up against the tail

Scent: Like all our baits they are heavily scented with our Phat Juice which is a Craw/Leech/Shad combination.

Salt: Light

Floating: Yes, Claws