Discover the rich history and traditional uses of Native American Medicinal Plants with the comprehensive Ethnobotanical Dictionary by Daniel E. Moerman. This extensive trade paperback guide is packed with detailed information on the healing properties and cultural significance of over 800 plant species, as well as their traditional uses in naturopathy and herbal medications. Published by Timber Press, Incorporated in 2009, this book is a must-have for anyone interested in the fascinating world of plant-based medicine.

Immerse yourself in the world of Life Sciences, Botany, Naturopathy, and Anthropology with this informative and engaging guide. Explore the knowledge passed down through generations of Native American cultures, and gain a deeper understanding of the role that plants play in our health and wellbeing. With a weight of 40.9 Oz, this 800-page book is a valuable and informative addition to any collection.

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