21 x Marrons Glaces 300g

A beloved French food known as "marrons glacés" is a decadent delight created from chestnuts that have been painstakingly turned into sweet treats. To acquire their distinctive candied perfection, these chestnuts must go through a labour-intensive process. The procedure, which can take up to several days, includes blanching, simmering in sugar syrup, and various glazing phases. With a rich, sweet flavour and soft texture, the chestnuts become shiny, crystallized gems as a result of this.

Marrons Glacés are a favourite holiday and festive delicacy for Christmas. They are ideal for enjoying on their own as a decadent sweet treat. Additionally, these glazed chestnuts are cherished elements in a variety of culinary concoctions, enhancing desserts like trifle, tiramisu, or pavlova with a rich, nutty sweetness. They are prized ingredients in gourmet cuisine because of their adaptability in both sweet and savoury dishes.