This is a mail in service repair so you are expected to properly package and ship the device to us in a timely manner.  Repairs will begin as soon as we receive your device if you mail out a week later after the purchase it will just take that much longer.  We hope you understand.  Upon receiving your device we will inspect the device to make sure your device can be repaired.  We will inform you in the event that it can not be and refund your purchase minus the shipping fees.  Avg repair time is 2 to 3 business days and your item will be shipped back USPS first class unless you opt for priority.  Please understand our handling time is 10 business days 

Because of the fact we don't know when you will ship your phone in.  So again if we get your device in a timely manner in will be repaired in a timely manner.

Any questions please feel free to contact us at your convenience, and we will respond back to your inquiries in a timely manner

.We also require you to send us a picture of your damaged device along with the imei number so that we can provide a secure transaction.  We will reference your images, and imei number  prior to repair.  Any discrepancy will inform you.  Failure to do so will result in us canceling your order and be assessed a $20fee.  Please note that if you Send in a device that has defects, we will immediately cancel and return your device and refunded minus $20 fee to cover the cost of return shipping so if you have any questions Contact us before purchasing and sending in your device.