Volume 43 Issue 1, Spring 2002
Volume 43 Issue 2, Summer 2002
Volume 43 Issue 3, Fall 2002
Volume 43 Issue 4, Winter 2002
Volume 44 Issue 1, Spring 2003
Volume 44 Issue 2, Summer 2003
Volume 44 Issue 3, Fall 2003
Volume 44 Issue 4, Winter 2003
Volume 45 Issue 1, Spring 2004
Volume 45 Issue 2, Summer 2004
Volume 45 Issue 3, Fall 2004
Volume 45 Issue 4, Winter 2004
Volume 46 Issue 1, Spring 2005
Volume 49 Issue 1, Spring 2008
Volume 49 Issue 2, Summer 2008
Volume 49 Issue 3, Fall 2008
Volume 50 Issue 1, Spring 2009
Volume 50 Issue 2, Summer 2009
Volume 50 Issue 3, Fall 2009
Volume 51 Issue 1, Spring 2010
Volume 51 Issue 2, Summer 2010
Volume 51 Issue 3, Fall 2010

edited by Javier Martinez, et al

Published by University of Texas Brownsville

Description: 22 trade paperback format magazines issues published between 1988 and 2002 The run is missing quite a few issues, this magazine was published four times a year during all these years so a full run would have quite a few more than 22 issues. Please note that these are quality productions, using high quality paper and covers. As a result they are quite heavy in bulk, these weigh about 12 pounds before packaging. The best way to ship these as they cannot be shipped by media mail (cannot be used for magazines) will be by either USPS ground or FedEx ground service.

Table of Contents:
Volume 43 Issue 1, Spring 2002
• Contributors
• Editorial • essay by Donald Hassler and Javier Martínez
• H. P. Lovecraft and the Semiotic Kantian Sublime • essay by Bradley Will
• Meta-SF: The Examples of Dick, LeGuin, and Russ • essay by Carl Malmgren
• Blood, Genes and Gender in Octavia Butler's Kindred and Dawn • essay by Nancy Jesser
• "Beauty in the Beast: The 'Feminization' of Weyland in The Vampire Tapestry • essay by Kathy Davis
• Roger Zelazny's Road to Amber • essay by Theodore Krulik
• Inheriting Chaos: Burroughs, Pynchon, Sterling, Rucker • essay by Randy Schroeder
• Order-versus-Chaos Dichotomy in Bram Stoker's Dracula • essay by Stephan Schaffrath
• Letters • correspondence from David Ketterer
• Book Reviews

Volume 43 Issue 2, Summer 2002
• Contributors
• Acknowledgements: Voices in the Journal • essay by Donald Hassler
• What-If-ing the Titans: Nancy Kress's Dialogic Beggars Trilogy • essay by Carol Franko
• Teaching the Alphabet to the Ants: The Adventures of Pinocchio and Carl Sagan's Contact • essay by Thomas Morrissey
• Being Martian: Spatiotemporal Self in Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles • essay by Walter Mucher
• The Rise and Fall of Norse America: Vikings, Vínland and Alternate History • essay by Geoffrey Winthrop-Young
• Laughter in Zamiatin's We: Passageways into the Irrational • essay by Kamila Kinyon
• A Report on the World's Largest SF Magazine • essay by Jie Lu
• Letters • correspondence from Carl Freedman
• Reviews

Volume 43 Issue 3, Fall 2002
• Contributors
• Acknowledgements: Monsters and Scientists • essay by Donald Hassler
• London As Science Fiction: A Note on Some Images from Johnson, Blake, Wordsworth, Dickens, and Orwell • essay by Carl Freedman
• Through the Looking Glass: Victor Frankenstein and Robert Owen • essay by James Brown
• The New York Nexus and American Science Fiction in the Postwar Period • essay by Justine Larbalestier
• Reading on the Frontier: A Star Trek Bibliography • essay by Lincoln Geraghty
• Herons, Ringtrees, and Mud: Ursula K. Le Guin's The Eye of the Heron • essay by Richard Erlich and Diana Perkins
• Somebody Stole My Gal: Word Cluster Analysis of Exogamy Fears in Stoker's Dracula • essay by Gloria McMillan
• Letters
• Reviews of Books

Volume 43 Issue 4, Winter 2002
• Contributors
• Acknowledgements • essay by Javier Martínez
• Goodbye and Hello: Differentiating Within the Later P.K. Dick • essay by Darko Suvin
• Fourfold Symmetry: The Interplay of Fictional Levels in Five More or Less Prestigious Novels by Philip K. Dick • essay by Umberto Rossi
• Ángel Arango's Cuban Trilogy: Rationalism, Revolution and Evolution • essay by Juan Toledano Redondo
• Mirages in the Desert: The War of the Worlds and Fin du Globe • essay by John Trushell
• The Duchess of Malfi Revisited: J. R. Dunn's Science Fiction Revenge Tragedy • essay by Michael Levy
• Reviews of Books
• Index to Volume 43 by Contributor

Volume 44 Issue 1, Spring 2003
• Contributors
• Introduction: WisCon Special Issue • essay by Justine Larbalestier
• Letter • correspondence from Sally Miller Gearhart
• How I Got Here/V. 2 (WisCon GOH 2002 Speech) • essay by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
• The Cliché from Outer Space: Reflections on Reports of a Death Greatly Exaggerated • essay by L. Timmel Duchamp
• Becoming Dragon: The Transcendence of the Damaged Child in the Fiction of Ursula K. Le Guin • essay by Sandra Lindow
• Tiptree Immortalized in Germany's Frauen-Gedenk-Labyrinth: A Personal Report • essay by Theresia Sauter-Bailliet
• Ecofeminist Perspectives on Technology in the Science Fiction of Marge Piercy • essay by Anna Martinson
• Confronting Enterprise Slash Fan Fiction • essay by Kylie Lee
• Homotopia? Or What's Behind a Prefix? • essay by Wendy Pearson
• Unhappy Housewife Heroines, Galactic Suburbia, and Nuclear War: A New History of Midcentury Women's Science Fiction • essay by Lisa Yaszek
• Looking For Clues (WisCon GOH 2002 Speech) • essay by Nalo Hopkinson
• Interview with Emily Pohl-Weary • essay by Justine Larbalestier
• Reviews

Volume 44 Issue 2, Summer 2003
• Contributors
• Acknowledgements: Harlan Ellison and Masthead • essay by Donald Hassler
• Doing Science in the Spirit World: Order, Chaos and H.G. Wells in A Billion Years till the End of the Earth • essay by George Slusser
• "Maybe the Hardest Job of All— Particularly When You Have No Talent for It": Heinlein's Fictional Parents, 1939-1987 • essay by Rafeeq McGiveron
• Mack Reynolds' Avoidance of His Own Eighteenth Brumaire: A Note of Caution for Would-be Utopians • essay by Matthew Kapell
• The Measure of a Man?: Asimov's Bicentennial Man, Star Trek's Data, and Being Human • essay by Sue Short
• Strugatski Remembrance • essay by Darko Suvin
• Letters
• Reviews

Volume 44 Issue 3, Fall 2003
• Contributors
• Acknowledgements: Warm Bodies and Cold Equations • essay by Donald Hassler
• Vampires, Werewolves and Strong Women: Alternate Histories or the Re-writing of Race and Gender in Brazilian History • essay by M. Elizabeth Ginway
• Text and Pre-texts in Le Guin's "The New Atlantis" • essay by Thomas Wymer
• World's End Imagery: How William Morris and C.S. Lewis Imagined the Medieval North • essay by Jonathan Himes
• Generation Starships and After: 'Never Anywhere To Go But In'? • essay by Christopher Palmer
• From Technology to Transcendence: Humanity's Evolutionary Journey in 2001: A Space Odyssey • essay by Carrol Fry
• From Videodrome to Virtual Light: David Cronenberg and William Gibson • essay by Dominick Grace
• Mythic Quality and Popular Reading in Stephen King's Rose Madder • essay by Roberto de Sousa Causo
• Letter • correspondence from Michael Marc Levy
• Reviews

Volume 44 Issue 4, Winter 2003
• Contributors
• Acknowledgements: Doing What We Do • essay by Javier Martínez
• Towards a Marxist Urban Sublime: Reading China Miéville's King Rat • essay by Carl Freedman
• On the Origins of Genre • essay by Paul Kincaid
• Survey of Four Decades of Ramsey Campbell • essay by S. Joshi
• Delany Dispossessed • essay by Valerie Holliday
• Intimate Isolation: Sturgeon's More Than Human and the Power of Privacy • essay by Paul Kucera
• An Ocean View of the Avant-Garde • essay by Alan Clinton
• Oy, It's Superfeminist: An Ethnically Tinged Alternative History Starring a Science Fiction Scholar • essay by Marleen Barr
• Reviews
• Index to Volume 44 by Contributor

Volume 45 Issue 1, Spring 2004
• Contributors
• Acknowledgements: WisCon Special Issue #2 • essay by Joan Haran and Justine Larbalestier
• Guest of Honor Speech, WisCon 2003 • essay by Carol Emshwiller
• Old Pictures: The Discursive Instability of Feminist SF • essay by L. Timmel Duchamp
• The Women History Doesn't See: Recovering Midcentury Women's SF as a Literature of Social Critique • essay by Lisa Yaszsek
• Conventionalism and Utopianism in the Commodification of Rossetti's "Goblin Market" • essay by Helen Pilinovsky
• Suppression and Transformation of the Maternal in Contemporary Women's Science Fiction • essay by Susan Kornfeld
• Reading Underwater; or, Fantasies of Fluency from Shakespeare to Miéville and Emshwiller • essay by Scott Maisano
• Theorising (Hetero)Sexuality and (Fe)Male Dominance • essay by Joan Haran
• Tiptree Award Speech, WisCon 2003 • essay by John Kessel
• Letters • correspondence from Farah Mendlesohn
• Reviews

Volume 45 Issue 2, Summer 2004
• Contributors
• Acknowledgements: Sonnets • essay by Donald Hassler
• Knowing the Unknowable: What Some Science Fiction Almost Does • essay by Merritt Abrash
• Love in the Time of Cloning: Science Fictions of Transgressive Kinship • essay by Sara Wasson
• Imaginable Futures: Tea from an Empty Cup and the Notion of Nation • essay by Graham Murphy
• Survival in Margaret Atwood's Novel Oryx and Crake • essay by Earl Ingersoll
• Tradition and Illusion: Antiquarianism, Tourism and Horror in H. P. Lovecraft • essay by Timothy Evans
• Genre or Chimera: Resonance in SF Origins • essay by Donald Hassler
• Reviews

Volume 45 Issue 3, Fall 2004
• Contributors
• Acknowledgements: We Met in Cleveland • essay by Donald Hassler
• Hoaxing Hemingway: Ernest Hemingway as Character and Presence in Joe Haldeman's The Hemingway Hoax (1990) • essay by Donald Morse
• Of Storytellers and Stories in Gaiman and Vess's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" • essay by Joe Sanders
• Growing Nowhere: Pinocchio Subverted in Spielberg's A.I. Artificial Intelligence • essay by Thomas Morrissey
• Kira Nerys: A Good Woman Fighting Well • essay by Frank Oglesbee
• The Real eXistenZ transCendz the Irreal • essay by Ritch Calvin
• Making Tele-Contact: 3-D Film and The Creature from the Black Lagoon • essay by J. Telotte
• Medieval Fictional Odysseys: Better Time Travel through Hallucinogens, Nets, and Quantum Foam • essay by Robert Blanch
• Reviews

Volume 45 Issue 4, Winter 2004
• Contributors
• Acknowledgements: Storytelling • essay by Donald Hassler
• Peter Hamilton and Philip Jacques Bartel: Bookends of Amazing SF • essay by David Mead
• The Order of Martha of Bethany • essay by Joe Christopher
• The Player Piano and Musico-Cybernetic Science Fiction between the 1950s and the 1980s: Kurt Vonnegut and Philip K. Dick • essay by Kiyoko Magome
• He "Just Plain Liked Guns": Robert A. Heinlein and the "Older Orthodoxy" of an Armed Citizenry • essay by Rafeeq McGiveron
• Spelunking with Ray Bradbury: The Allegory of the Cave in Fahrenheit 451 • essay by George Connor
• Fractal Fantasies of Transformation: William Blake, Michael Moorcock, and the Utilities of Mythographic Shamanism • essay by Carter Kaplan
• Technicity: AI and Cyborg Ethnicity in The Matrix • essay by Isiah Lavender III
• Reviews
• Index to Volume 45 by Contributor

Volume 46 Issue 1, Spring 2005
• Contributors
• Acknowledgements: Feminism—Now More Than Ever • essay by Helen Pilinovsky and Joan Haran
• Writing Science Fiction During The Third World War • essay by Eleanor Arnason
• Speech to WisCon 2004 • essay by Patricia McKillip
• Having It All: The Female Hero's Quest for Love and Power in Patricia McKillip's Riddle-Master Trilogy • essay by Christine Mains
• The Mother of All Witches: Baba Yaga and Brume in Patricia McKillip's In the Forests of Serre • essay by Helen Pilinovsky
• From Slash to the Mainstream: Female Writers and Gender Blending Men • essay by Elizabeth Woledge
• Redefining Women's Power Through Feminist Science Fiction • essay by Maria DeRose
• Frankenstein, Motherhood, and Phyllis Gotlieb's O Master Caliban! • essay by Dominick Grace
• Destabilizing Order, Challenging History: Octavia Butler, Deleuze and Guattari, and Affective Beginnings • essay by Alison Tara Walker
• Becoming Heroic: Alternative Female Heroes in Suzy McKee Charnas' The Conqueror's Child • essay by Elizabeth Wulf

Volume 49 Issue 1, Spring 2008
• Contributors
• Zona Gale's Friendship Village: Expanding the Scope of Feminist Fabulation and Broadening the Boundaries of Speculative Fiction • essay by Michelle Ann Abate
• Becoming and Belonging: The Productivity of Pleasures and Desires in Octavia Butler's Xenogenesis Trilogy • essay by Erin Pryor Ackerman
• A Woman-Made Language: Suzette Haden Elgin's Láadan and the Native Tongue Trilogy as Thought Experiment in Feminist Linguistics • essay by Karen Bruce
• Totemic Human-Animal Relationships in Recent SF • essay by Grace Dillon
• The Disorientations of A.E. van Vogt • essay by Darren Jorgensen
• Heinlein and the Cold War: Epistemology and Politics in The Puppet Masters and Double Star • essay by Joseph Brown
• Institutional Crisis: State and Scholar in Hermann Hesse's The Glass Bead Game and Walter Miller's A Canticle for Leibowitz • essay by Douglas Texter
• Solaris as Metacommentary: Meta-Science Fiction and Meta-Science-Fiction • essay by Sandor Klapcsik
• Reviews

Volume 49 Issue 2, Summer 2008
• Contributors
• Introduction: Mundane Science Fiction, Harm and Healing the World • essay by Susan Knabe and Wendy Gay Pearson
• An Email Conversation with Geoff Ryman • essay by Hiromi Goto
• Is Air Mundane? • essay by Ted Chiang
• History and AIDS in Was and Angels in America • essay by Susan Knabe
• "Giving An Account of Oneself": Ethics, Alterity, Air • essay by Neil Easterbrook
• Antelopes of Desire: Knowledge, Documentation, and Love in the Novels of Geoff Ryman • essay by Genevieve Williams
• The Pervert's Guide to Geoff Ryman: Desire, Subjectivity and Identity in Lust and Was • essay by Wendy Gay Pearson
• Reviews

Volume 49 Issue 3, Winter 2008
• Contributors
• Rachel Writes Back: Racialised Androids and Replicant Texts • essay by Michelle Reid
• Humanity's Scarred Children: The Cylons' Oedipal Dilemma in Battlestar Galactica • essay by Torsten Caeners
• The Violence of the Name: Patronymy in Earthsea • essay by Christopher Robinson
• Just Like So But Isn't: Musical Consciousness in Richard Powers's Galatea 2.2 • essay by Nicholas Laudadio
• Asimov's Foundation Trilogy: From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Cowboy Heroes • essay by Jari Käkelä
• Shadow of a Dark Muse: Reprint History of Original Fiction from Weird Tales 1928–1939 • essay by Candace Benefiel
• Cain-Leviathan Typology in Gollum and Grendel • essay by Brent Nelson
• Reviews

Volume 50 Issue 1, Spring 2009
• Contributors
• Editorial Introduction • essay by Javier Martínez
• Special Section: 50th Anniversary essays by Brian Attebery, et al
• "Now Let Us Put Away Childish Things": Games, Fantasy and the Elided Fantasy of Childhood • essay by Farah Mendlesohn
• The Utopian Function of Memory in Lois Lowry's The Giver • essay by Carter Hanson
• Hoping for the Best, Imagining the Worst: Dystopian Anxieties in Women's SF Pulp Stories of the 1930s • essay by Alice Waters
• "Public Imbecility and Journalistic Enterprise": The Satire on Mars Mania in H.G. Wells's The War of the Worlds • essay by Jennifer Malia
• Trauma, Sublime, and the Ambivalence of Imperialist Imagination in H. G Wells's The War of the Worlds • essay by Bed Paudyal
• The Human Stain: Chaos and the Rage for Order in Watchmen • essay by Bryan Dietrich
• Us or Them!: Silent Spring and The "Big Bug" Films of the 1950s • essay by Joshua David Bellin
• Reviews

Volume 50 Issue 2, Summer 2009
• Contributors
• Introduction: Special Issue on China Miéville • essay by Sherryl Vint
• From Cacotopias to Railroads: Rebellion and the Shaping of the Normal in the Bas-Lag Universe • essay by Nicholas Birns
• Building Worlds: Dialectical Materialism as Method in China Miéville's Bas-Lag • essay by Rich Paul Cooper
• Saving the City in China Miéville's Bas-Lag Novels • essay by Christopher Palmer
• AGASH AGASP AGAPE: The Weaver as Immanent Utopian Impulse in China Miéville's Perdido Street Station and Iron Council • essay by Sandy Rankin
• Monster Realism and Uneven Development in China Miéville's The Scar • essay by Christopher Kendrick
• Possible Fictions: Blochian Hope in The Scar • essay by Sherryl Vint
• Reinventing Subjectivity: China Miéville's Un Lun Dun and the Child Reader • essay by Joe Sutliff Sanders
• Mind the Gap: The Impertinent Predicates (and Subjects) of King Rat and Looking for Jake and Other Stories • essay by Mark Bould
• Periodizing the Postmodern: China Miéville's Perdido Street Station and the Dynamics of Radical Fantasy • essay by William Burling
• Reviews

Volume 50 Issue 3, Fall 2009
• Contributors
• Containing Multitudes: Revisiting the Infection Metaphor in Science Fiction • essay by Laurel Bollinger
• Fantastic Psychology and Mechanical Allegory in The Invention of Morel • essay by Daniel Bautista
• They Want Unfreedom and One-Dimensional Thought? I'll Give Them Unfreedom and One-Dimensional Thought: George Lucas, THX-1138, and the Persistence of Marcusian Social Critique in American Graffiti and the Star Wars Films • essay by Mark Decker
• Lover Revamped: Sexualities and Romance in the Black Dagger Brotherhood and Slash Fan Fiction • essay by Maria Lindgren Leavenworth
• Thrusts in the Dark: Slashers' Queer Practices • essay by Robin Anne Reid
• "I Am a Leaf on the Wind": Cultural Trauma and Mobility in Joss Whedon's Firefly • essay by Matthew Hill
• Mind Out of Time: Identity, Perception, and the Fourth Dimension in H. P. Lovecraft's "The Shadow Out of Time" and "The Dreams in the Witch House" • essay by Paul Halpern and Michael LaBossiere
• Reviews

Index for Volume 50
• Volume 51 Issue 1, Spring 2010
• Contributors
• Introduction: Making Science Fiction Histories • essay by Darren Jorgensen and Helen Merrick
• Discovering and Re-discovering Brazilian Science Fiction: An Overview • essay by M. Elizabeth Ginway and Roberto De Sousa Causo
• The Wondrous Traveler: Leela Majumdar and Science Fiction in Bengal • essay by Debjani Sengupta
• Revolutionary African-American Sf Before Black Power Sf • essay by Mark Bould
• Out of Egypt: Histories of Speculative Fiction and Carole Mcdonnell's Wind Follower • essay by Sylvia Kelso
• Paleoanthropology of the Future: The Prehistory of Posthumanity in Arthur C. Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey • essay by Robert Savage
• "Murder in the Air": The Quest for the Death Ray • essay by Stephen Dedman
• The Numerical Verisimilitude of Science Fiction and EVE-Online • essay by Darren Jorgensen
• Tales of Resonance and Wonder: Science Fiction and Genre Theory • essay by Andrew Milner
• The Indifference Engine: How Science Fiction Contributes to the Public Understanding of Science, and How It Doesn't • essay by Ken Mcleod
• Reviews

Volume 51 Issue 2, Summer 2010
• Contributors
• The Return to the Frontier in the Extraordinary Voyage: Verne's The Mysterious Island and Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey • essay by John Rieder
• Stardust as Allegorical Bildungsroman: An Apology for Platonic Idealism • essay by Paula Brown
• The Return of the Giant Creature: Cloverfield and Political Opposition to the War on Terror • essay by Steffen Hantke
• Warping Time: Alternate History, Historical Fantasy, and the Postmodern uchronie québécoise • essay by Amy Ransom
• Más Allá, El Eternauta, and the Dawn of the Golden Age of Latin American Science Fiction (1953–59) • essay by Rachel Haywood Ferreira
• Reviews

Volume 51 Issue 3, Fall 2010
• Contributors
• Apocalypse, Utopia, and Dystopia: Old Paradigms Meet a New Millennium • essay by Dale Knickerbocker
• Utopia At Last: Cormac McCarthy's The Road as Science Fiction • essay by Christopher Pizzino
• Evolution as Apocalypse in God's Grace • essay by Deborah Bailin
• "The Time Had Come for Us to Be Born": Octavia Butler's Darwinian Apocalypse • essay by Adam Johns
• "Your Children Will Know Us, You Never Will": The Pessimistic Utopia of Octavia Butler's Xenogenesis Trilogy • essay by Jessie Stickgold-Sarah
• "We Are the Walking Dead": Race, Time, and Survival in Zombie Narrative • essay by Gerry Canavan
• Reviews

Condition: Binding - very good to like new, a couple of issues have a little bumping of corners or top or bottom of spine, come covers show some sun fading, slight soiling, no writing or highlighting or underlining of text.

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