About this item
【Use occasions】Applicable to funerals, Tomb-sweeping Festival, Patriarch's Birthday, Zhongyuan Festival (July 15), All Souls Day, Tomb-sweeping Festival (April 5). The day you dreamed of them.    The day I miss them.
【Interpretation】The Chinese believe that offerings enter the spiritual world.    Use this to send money to your ancestors and let her and all of your ancestors live a better life.    This is a tool that allows us to take care of our ancestors, and in return, they take care of us.    People naturally pay attention to those who are most interested in them.    Bring you good luck.
【Method of use】
 1.    When using it, you can write down the names of your relatives on the back of the yellow ancestor paper.    In this way, your ancestors' money will be directly given to these relatives and will not be misidentified by others!    You can also write down your current situation or what kind of help you want from your ancestors!    
2.    Burn ancestral money and yellow ancestral paper together, and meditate on the words that you want to be with your loved ones !
1.    Paper currency is not legal tender issued by any bank or government agency, and has no cash value.    They are also usually burned as a prayer to ancestors and pray for prosperity and good fortune.    
2.    Pay attention to fire prevention when burning the incense paper money.    When the sacrifice burns, there is a little smell.    Please burn it in a large pot or a fire-resistant pot in the vent or outdoors, and leave after burning.
【Feedback】Mosher: I ran into some troubles that bothered me for a few days. I came across ancestral money and wanted to try it. Not sure if my ancestors gave me the blessing, and the day after I did it, I was out of the woods. Could it be a mysterious eastern force? Tina: I'm a company employee and my work has been a mess lately. First, one of my proposals was torn up by my pet, and then a case I was in charge of following up was put on hold. When I was talking to a Chinese friend about the recent unhappiness, the friend talked about the magic of zu money. I searched on Ebay and saw this way of writing my wish and telling my ancestors to receive the blessing. I tried . OMG, things have been going well recently, went to work today and heard that the case on hold should be revived in the near future. Thanks dad! May you be well in heaven! Lisa: It's been a year since my mom passed away, and I've been dreaming about her lately. Sometimes we only cherish when we lose it. After losing her, I miss her even more. I burned an ancestor's money and put my thoughts on it, hoping that she can live an easy life in heaven. The Chinese believe that the worship of paper incense enters the spiritual world. The loved one will have divinity after death. Burning paper can be used to provide money to deceased relatives and friends. This is not only a ceremony to commemorate the dead. It will enable them to have enough money to live in that world without hard work. They will have more time to pray for us, pray that our life is safe and our work goes smoothly! When you miss them, you can burn your ancestors' money! When you dream of them, you can burn your ancestors' money! When your work and life are not going well, you can burn your ancestors' money!