The Siberian Pea Shrub has a multitude of uses.  It is a nitrogen fixer , an animal feed and is edible.  Although the pods are a lot of work to eat and aren't much to write home about the real strong point of this plant is its ability to create a low cost privacy and security barrier.

This is a common privacy and landscape plant in Alaska as it is generally resistant to most animal depredation and will grow with zero inputs.

It will grow into a thick and completely impenetrable hedge if it is planted densely.  It also has thick thorns which make it impossible for an interloper to penetrate.  If it will keep a moose out of your yard it will certainly prevent a prowler scoping you out.

It will become mature at a few years of age and start dropping thousands of seeds to create even more trees.

Be advised this shrub can become very invasive.  Do not plant near waterways.  It is resistant to drought, wind and cold.  But if you REALLY want a cheap fence I can't think of anything to beat it.  

Seeds do require cold stratification to germinate.  Simply plant in the fall or winter and leave pots exposed to rain and snow.  Divide plants in spring.

This offering is for 25 seeds fresh harvested in Alaska in the fall of 2023.