This is DIY KIT version of the excellent project Z80-MBC2 designed by Just4Fun like 68K-MBC and V20-MBC 

This is the full memory version of the project, made with all new components from reputable sellers. 

The kit does NOT include the GPIO MCP23017 circuit. This circuit is nowadays impossible to source because of ongoing worldwide chip shortage. This circuit is needed only if you intend to program and connect through I/O , which is highly unlikely.

The kit is ready to run, needs only to be soldered. ATMEGA32A chip will come pre-programmed with needed firmware

This kit does includes the recommended USB to RS232 serial converter - we have another sale without the USB-to-serial converter

The design is free to use under the GPLv3 licence. All credits for this outstanding work goes to Just4Fun .

CPU Z80 runs on 4MHz or 8Mhz (software selectable)
128KB banked RAM (full HW version, runs CP/M 3)
16x GPIO ( I/O circuit fitted)
HD emulation on SD
multi-boot menu management for max 10x OS versions 
curently supported OS with up to 16 disks each 
will run: CP/M 2.2, CP/M Plus, Q/PM 2.71, CP/M 3, UCSD Pascal, Colapse OS, FORTH 1.13, BASIC

any vintage game for these OS out there  

This is not an emulator, the programs will work on a real Z80 CPU which runs at either 4MHz or 8MHz (software selectable)

This card is a complete development "ecosystem", and using the iLoad boot mode it is possible cross-compile, load and execute on the target an Assembler or C program (using the SDCC compiler) with a single command (like in the Arduino IDE)

There is an active and vibrant Z80-MBC2 user group on Facebook.

We offer the support for connection and first start of the card.