This elegant bud vase from Crate and Barrel is perfect for displaying your favorite flowers. The Tavira vase features a beautiful oval shape and is made of glazed ceramic with a lovely green and white leaf pattern. It stands 6.5 inches tall and measures 6.75 inches in length and 5.5 inches in width. Ideal for any room, this freestanding bud vase requires no additional parts and is perfect for modern decor. It was manufactured in Thailand by Crate and Barrel, a trusted brand in home decor. Add a touch of nature to your home with this stunning bud vase.

Crate and Barrel Glazed Ceramic Tavira  Bud Vase 6 1/2" Tall, 6 3/4" on the widest part, and 5 1/2" perpendicular to the widest part. The base color is green with glazed leaves going in opposite directions.