Discover Balance and Vitality with Our 7 Chakra Bracelet

Our stunning 7 Chakra bracelet is a labor of love, thoughtfully created with seven distinct stones that align with the body's primary chakras. These energy centers impact various facets of your well-being—physical, mental, and spiritual. Wearing this bracelet, or placing it on your altar or dresser, serves as a daily reminder to stay grounded and in tune with your inner equilibrium.

Red Jasper: Offers grounding and protection, supporting your physical body.

Carnelian: Ignites creativity and empowers inner strength and determination.

Clear Quartz: Magnifies energy and intention, enhancing your inner potential.

Citrine: Enhances concentration, mental clarity, and memory.

Amethyst: Nurtures intuition, fosters psychic growth, and fuels spiritual development.

Sodalite: Clears obstacles, allowing energy to flow freely.

Green Aventurine: Known as the luckiest crystal, it attracts positivity and healing energy.

With a flexible length of approximately 7.5 inches (19cm) and 8mm beads, our bracelet adjusts to your comfort effortlessly. Lovingly handcrafted and charged under the full moon, it serves as a potent symbol of maintaining equilibrium and inner harmony in your daily life."