Multi-option products, descriptions do not include all product descriptions, please look at the options before purchasing. If you have any questions feel free to contact me, thank you!

The product itself does not have a heating function. If you need heating function, please contact in advance for customization


1. Active balance functionality, lose battery capacity no need to balance sales voltage difference, increase battery use efficiency for 95%

2. It has the protections of overcharging/overdischarging/overcurrent and short circuit, etc.

3. Single battery series voltage range is 1~5V, accuracy is 5mV

4. With coulomb meter function, the remaining power is very clear

5. BT communication function, battery status can be displayed on APP

6.RS486 and can be customized

7.JK BMS, they are smart therefore with bluetooth and are equipped with a built-in active balancer, this will allow you to always have balanced cells and battery with full capacity



Over Current Protection (adjustable): 60A

Wiring method: common port

Monomer voltage range: 1V-5V

Voltage acquisition accuracy: ± 5mV

Battery cell overcharge protection voltage: 1.2V-4.35V (adjustable)

Battery cell overcharge protection recovery voltage: 1.2V-4.35V (adjustable)

Applicable battery string quantity: 8S-24S (adjustable)

Battery cell over discharge protection voltage: 1.2V-4.35V (adjustable)

Battery cell over-discharge protection recovery voltage: 1.2V-4.35V (adjustable)

Temperature detection quantity: 3 pieces

temperature: -20~70

Power requirements: 24V ~ 100V, can be powered by battery or external power supply


Download Link - IOS: Search (Seeds of JIKONG Camera BMS) in APP Store


Android download link:




BMS protocol to connect to other devices:


VenusOS Driver:


Package includes:

1*JK smart bms (Built-in Bluetooth)


1*power switch (choose)

1*Temperature Sensor(choose)
