Haunted Paranormal 10 1/2" Plastic jointed Doll- Abigail- Happy, positive  - her hair is very brittle and will break off in tiny pieces depending how she is leaning

This girl we purchased at online auction from Ohio. The seller, had her listed as a loving, positive spirit. I had to get her by just looking at her picture and upon her arrival, opening the package, her energy was all positive,. Something in her eyes just speaks to you

She sat a day to adjust and was pretty quite except the strong aroma of lilacs around her. We started communicating with our equipment and she responded quickly to our questions by lighting up the K2 to yellow when we asked yes and no questions and the Mel meter jumped up and down from .3 to .8 with a temperature drop of 6 degrees. With questioning her, we found out, She was married, had 3 kids, died in her 70's, was an illness and was okay being among the living. She was a religious woman, loved animals, missed her family, she had 4 children and at times we could see what looked like her eyes shifting in the direction of whomever was speaking to her..She enjoys being among us as a family because we acknowledge her and she loves being included.  As we kept checking the night vision screen, we did see multiple orbs at times shoot up from her, a few that hovered above her and pulsated before disappearing. We communicated for about  1 1/2 hours the first night and multiple times after and she is always a very cooperative, loving girl. She has stayed among us and is a constant source of positive energy for us and our pets.

Please note, as some have questioned a spirit not interacting with them in items they have purchased from other sellers, spirits have their own personalities, sometimes it does take them a day or two or even longer to adjust to their new surroundings. They dont do parlor tricks and if they choose to hold off on interacting, it is their right to do so. They Do Not perform on command. They should be treated with the respect they deserve and patience because in some cases it was not their choice or preference to stay among us

I do start my bidding at just above the cost of what I paid for my items, as to cover the costs of selling. I dont believe in hiking them up, the bidding is your decision and rehoming the items is my goal. If for some reason payment cant be made within the first 3 days, please contact me to let me know I dont mind waiting, otherwise I will assume youve changed your mind and will relist the item..

Our family has been doing paranormal investigations for 15 years. From Eastern State Prison,White Hill Mansion, NJ.,  Salem Ma, Pennhurst Asylum,  Gettysburgh Pa plus many more locations. We’ve collected many haunted items over the past 12 yrs and at this point although I personally feel an attachment to them, we need to make room for some of our newer acquisitions. I’ll hope they are going to a good new home with someone who will treat them with the respect they deserve.

Per eBay policy I can’t guarantee paranormal activity- each individuals experience may be different
than what we experienced.