[Photo Album]: On Board the U.S.S. Mariposa

Title: [Photo Album]: On Board the U.S.S. Mariposa
Publication: 1944-1947

Description: Softcover. Oblong quarto. Measuring 13" x 10". String-tied black leather. Contains 190 black and white or sepia toned gelatin silver photographs measuring between 1.75" x 2.5" and 8" x 11", with captions and 20 pictorial postcards. Very good photo album with some mustiness, rubbing, and slight edgewear with near fine photographs.

A photo album kept by a sailor while serving on board the S.S. *Mariposa* and S.S. *Aberdeen Victory* during and after World War II between 1944 and 1947. The album begins with photos of the *Mariposa* docked in Newport News, Virginia in 1945 followed by a large photo of the S.S. *Aberdeen Victory* in Marseille in 1947 with a caption that reads, "went around the world in this ship." One page includes a collection of portrait photos of young women he met on his travels with their location captioned under the photo including the Philippines, Brazil, Panama, and England. The *Mariposa* is photographed thoroughly including the rigging, kitchen, sleeping quarters, and upper decks. One section is captioned "Life Aboard S.S. Mariposa (when not working)" and shows the men "getting the sun" and playing a game they created called "Fork-U." There are also photos from the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean featuring the North Atlantic in winter and the Rock of Gibraltar. The Pacific Ocean is also pictured with photos of a "goony bird following the ship" and an "island in the distance on the Pacific." The *Aberdeen* is also photographed in a section titled "Aberdeen Victory views 1947" which shows the church altar aboard the ship and "unloading by crane in Bombay." The men of the *Aberdeen* are also seen washing clothes and peeling potatoes. The crew enjoyed time off the ship as well, and photos of leave in the Panama Canal Zone are featured. They went to bars including the Florida club and flirted with local girls. When traveling past San Francisco the compiler photographed Alcatraz and the Army docks where the Navy ships were kept.

The sailor also collected a number of pictorial postcards from his stop in Hawaii which feature Hawaiian tropical foliage, scenes of life on the island, and various landmarks. While in Hawaii he photographed Wakiki beach and downtown Honolulu with images of street scenes and buildings. Much of his time was spent island hopping in the Pacific to places such as Pago Pago in American Samoa, the Philippines, and Fiji where they spent a majority of their time in Suva. These photos show native houses, beaches, and the local people of the islands. One well-composed photo shows sailors walking up the docks with the *Mariposa* in the background; another shows their sister ship in the docks at Suva. While in Suva the compiler also photographed the local policemen in uniform, the botanical gardens, and the hotel. One photo shows an aerial view of people on a beach and is captioned "war brides and visitors on dock." Later in the album there are professional images of a volcanic eruption in New Guinea which took place in 1937. Another section of professional photos shows before and after shots of Manila depicting the effects of World War II. Photos from Brisbane, Australia show docks with the *Mariposa's* imposing hull in view as well as a seaplane flying over head. The city of Brisbane is also seen throughout with photos of shops and people of the area. They also stopped at Penang Island in the Malayan Straits which features photos of children, temples, and native workers. The final pages are from India and Ceylon with photos of dances, buildings, and a guide with a camel.

An extensive collection of photographs detailing a sailor's time with the Navy at the end of World War II.

Seller ID: 408134

Subject: Ephemera, Photography

This listing was created by Bibliopolis.