The listing is for raw propolis 

Propolis is a resinous mixture that honey bees collect from tree buds, sap flows, or other botanical sources. It is used as a sealant for unwanted open spaces in the hive. Propolis is used for small gaps (approximately 6 millimeters (0.24 in) or less), while larger spaces are usually filled with beeswax. Its color varies depending on its botanical source, the most common being dark brown. Propolis is sticky at and above room temperature (20 °C). At lower temperatures, it becomes hard and very brittle.

Propolis is marketed by health  food stores as a traditional medicine and for its claimed beneficial effect on human health. Natural medicine practitioners use propolis for the relief of various conditions, depending upon its composition, propolis may show powerful local antibiotic and antifungal properties. Studies also indicate that it may be effective in treating skin burns.

Propolis also exhibits immunomodulatory effects.

Propolis lozenges and tinctures can be bought in many countries. Though claims have been made for its use in treating allergies, propolis may cause severe allergic reactions if the user is sensitive to bees or bee products!

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