Wooly Buggers - Standard Pattern - Size 4, 6 & 10 Mustad Hooks

I have 3, 6 & 12 fly paks and have tried to price them as fair as I could.

Note: I ship all flies inside a plastic container that does not flatten the hackle..see my photos

Cuurent colour variations available are

Olive Green - Green Chenil,  Green Hackle, Olive Green Marabou Tail
Black - Black Chenil, Black Hackle, Black Marabou Tail
Brown - Brown Chenil, Brown Hackle,  Black Marabou Tail
Yellow - Yellow chenil, Grizzley Hackle, White marabou tail

In my retirement years and less mobile for various reasons I am hoping my flies can find a home in someone's fly collection. And remember most of the streamers i tie can be used not only on a fly rod but on a spin cast reel as well...thanks for visiting...