Complete TV mini-series, set in the 19th Century, based on the adventure novel by Leon Garfield. Jack Holborn (Patrick Bach) is a 13-year-old orphan desperate to get a job on a sailing ship in order to avoid having to stay in a foster home. He was found by nuns, as a baby, on the steps of Holborn Church in London. On his arm was a leather band imprinted with the name 'Jack'. The nuns therefore named him Jack Holborn. When his new employer, Captain Sharingham (Matthias Habich), sees Jack's arm band, the captain tells Jack that it looks familiar, but he won't say anything else about the matter. The captain is now reluctant to keep him on, but Jack is determined to seek answers, and is unwilling to let Sharingham off the hook. The Captain's twin brother (Habich) is a judge and the two brothers despise each other, due to the captain's side business as a pirate. Jack sneaks onboard the captain's ship, 'Charming Molly', and his long and perilous journey towards the truth begins.