Colmillo de Coyote Amuleto de la Buena Suerte y Proteccion

Este diente genuino lleva la esencia del espíritu del coyote: valiente, astuto e implacable en su búsqueda de sustento. Aprovecha el poder de este gran cazador para impulsar tus esfuerzos de amor, suerte, riqueza, felicidad o cualquier otra aspiración.

Activa tu amuleto con estos pasos: Comienza aplicando unas gotas del aceite complementario en tus manos. Sostén el diente en tus manos y recita la oración del coyote incluida con fe inquebrantable. Coloque el diente activado dentro de la bolsa provista y lleve el amuleto en su bolsa o bolsillo. Para una eficacia óptima, repita este proceso una vez al mes.

Coyote Fang Amulet of Good Luck and Protection

This genuine tooth carries the essence of the coyote spirit — fearless, cunning, and relentless in its quest for sustenance. Tap into the power of this great hunter to bolster your endeavors for love, luck, wealth, happiness, or any other aspiration.

Activate your amulet with these steps: Begin by applying a few drops of the complimentary oil onto your hands. Hold the tooth in your hands and recite the included prayer of the coyote with unwavering faith. Place the activated tooth inside the provided bag, and carry the amulet in your purse or pocket. For optimal effectiveness, repeat this process once a month.

Disclaimer: Pursuant to the current State and Federal laws, we are unable to make any claim as to the effectiveness either magickal or medicinal of any of our products. While our products are either traditional or specific to the craft we are unable to make any guarantees and must advise they are "Sold as Curios Only"