RICOH Main Controller PCB:SERVICE D0AD5682 For MP C4504EX (D0AE)

We offer a Main Controller Board (D0AD5682) for use in Ricoh. The board is 100% working and has been strictly tested.

Fits to machines:
MP C4504EX

Wir bieten eine Main Controller Board (D0AD5682) für den Einsatz in Ricoh an. Passt zu maschinen:

Nous proposons une Main Controller Board (D0AD5682) à utiliser avec Ricoh. Convient aux machines:

Offriamo una scheda Main Controller Board (D0AD5682) per l'utilizzo in Ricoh. Adatto a macchine:

We have almost all parts and supplies for the above models All prices are netto export prices without VAT. We sell only to companies, with valid EU VAT number. Please make sure that you possess EU VAT number and provide it after buying. We issue official EU export invoice with 0% VAT. 

(DE) Alle Preise sind Netto-Exportpreise ohne Mehrwertsteuer (FR) Tous les prix sont des prix nets à l'exportation sans TVA. (IT) Tutti i prezzi sono prezzi all'esportazione netti senza IVA.  

We give EU warranty! 


    NamePCB:SERVICE (Main Controler)
    Machine CodeD0AE
    Compatibility withMP C4504EX
    Original / CompatibleORIGINAL OEM
    ConditionRemanufactured / Refurbished
RICOH Main Controller PCB:SERVICE D0AD5682 For MP C4504EX (D0AE)