Boujad rugs are uniquely made by women in Haouz, Morocco, a small region between the Central Atlas and the Atlantic Ocean. Each rug tells a different story using traditional Berber designs and motifs.

Boujad rugs are handwoven and made from natural wool fibers and vegetable dyes. Newly woven carpets feature bold, bright colors, usually red, orange, pink, and/or purple. Older vintage rugs may have beautiful washed pastel tones. There's no right or wrong place to put a beautiful Bujad Moroccan rug, but it's a good idea to put it in an infrequent place. The pile of each rug varies according to its history. Some are very luxurious, while others are close to plain weave.

Caring for your Bujad:

Ultimately, when it comes to caring for your Boujad rug, you'll want to shake it or vacuum it without a spin brush if possible (if your vacuum is on the tile/hardwood setting). Moroccan rugs are made from loosely spun wool yarn, which will wear out faster over time when vacuumed. When vacuuming, we do not recommend vacuuming more than once a month. Aim for twice if possible. If a more thorough soap cleaning is required, we recommend taking it to a professional carpet cleaner. If stains need to be cleaned, a mixture of water and vinegar is effective and can help remove stains and neutralize odors. Since the dye is natural, avoid using chemical-based cleaners. Color may fade.

The Rug of your Dream (Azilal Rug, Boujaad Rug, Boucharouite Rug, Kilim Rug, Zanafi Rugs, Taznakht Rugs)

Please get back to us if you would like us to handmake your dream rug, it usually takes 4-5 weeks.

Just send us an image or the link of the cover you want to replicate and the dimensions. we will get back to you in a few minuites.

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Width: 157cm ≈ 61.81" ≈ 5.15ft
Length: 234cm ≈ 92.13" ≈ 7.68ft

+10 cm on tassels in length


Material: Wool of sheep.

Condition: New.

Origin: Beni Ourain tribe in Morocco

Production Time: 1 to 2 weeks.

Delivery Time: 3 to 5 days.



If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to respond within minutes.