Coppell TV Repair LLC offers a REPAIR SERVICE for the main board 1P-0149J00-6012 / Y8386664S / 0160CAP09E00 / Y8386862S shown on the picture and used in Vizio M60-C3 model.

REPAIR SERVICE means that you need to send us your malfunctioning board that we will attempt to service, test and return to you.

Please read this description in full for important details and to avoid confusion and waste of time and money.


This is a flat rate testing and repair service, meaning we will attempt to repair any problem with the board within that price as long as the board we receive meets our requirements (see separate section below).

The price you pay includes return shipping within USA, but you need to ship or otherwise deliver the board to us at your own costs.

Depending on what we find out and what we do you pay the listed price or less (details explained further below).

You start the process through the  "Buy now" button at the eBay listing page.

eBay requires upfront payment for the service, which is in contrast to the way we do it at our corporate website. We wish we could do the same through eBay , but have not found a way to make it happen, sorry.

Upon completing payment, an email with shipping instructions is automatically sent by our server. It is in addition to all the emails sent by eBay/PayPal regarding the service purchase. We may also send a snail mail reminder via USPS, usually on the same day.

The email we send contains shipping instructions, including the shipping address for the board you want us to test and service.

Following the instructions you package and send or otherwise deliver the board to us.

Once the board is delivered it takes 2-5 business days for it to move its way up the queue and gets processed.

Processing itself needs to be fairly short in order for us to make profit on the job, which means that we should be ready with the board within 2-5 business days from its delivery.

If the board arrives in working order you will be contacted for details. If you want the board back as it was found we will withhold a diagnostic fee of up to $25 plus the return shipping costs plus the eBay transaction costs and issue refund for the rest.

If the board is bad then we attempt to repair it.

If we succeed we usually send the board back without communication. eBay sends tracking information as soon as we print a shipping label.

If we fail to repair the board we contact you with details. We issue you a full refund, a request to cancel the transaction on eBay (since no repair service was provided) and request payment for the return shipping of the board.

If you have any questions please ask before initiating the service!

Common Failure Symptoms

While there can clearly be a large number of failures and failure symptoms that probably can't all be listed, here are the most common ones we've seen this board cause that we've seen:

  • The most common failure results in the TV's power indicator (front LED) going solid white shortly after the TV is connected to AC, then staying for 1-2 seconds and fading out; upon every power on command (button or remote) the indicator would lit up again for 2 seconds and then again fade, no other activity; the display would not usually light up at all;

  • The TV may also be totally dead when this board is bad - no front LED indication whatsoever; this may also be a result of a faulty power supply though;

  • The TV may start and show the Vizio logo (or dark screen with back light turned on - we've seen both), stay like that for 2-3 seconds, then turn off the screen and either hang there until disconnected from power or power cycle (reboot) on its own;

  • HDMI inputs may stop recognizing connected devices; this is also rare.

We give 90 days warranty on serviced boards that we send to customers.

Each board is individually tested prior to shipping, notes are made on what was serviced on it and a high-resolution photography is taken to document the board's condition prior to shipment.

If you are unhappy with the board that we had sent you, please contact us to arrange resolution that varies from partial to complete refund to board exchange.


The board(s) we receive must be physically intact and must have not been tampered with or serviced before.

The advertised flat rate for repair service is only valid when the above conditions are met.

Exceptions are possible and often applied for minor repair attempts, but we reserve the sole right to judge if and when we would consider a repair minor.

If we receive board(s) that fails the above conditions we will contact the sender and usually offer two options: 1) returning the board(s) for the sole cost of the return shipping; or 2) continuing the repair service at a higher cost in case of success.

It is also possible, depending on the condition of the board, to eliminate the second possibility and just flat our reject having to service the board.

Subject to situation and availability we may also recommend replacement of the board, again at the higher than advertised price for repair.

In all cases you will have the option to receive your own board(s) back for the sole cost of the return shipping.