ZEME DEGA II - "The Earth is Burning" Lithuanian Hardcover, Published by TERRA, 1956, 418 pages.

This book has the number II, on the spine. We have searched for perhaps other numbered editions, to no avail. If we find them, we'll surely present them. This book is in quite good condition for its age. Green toned cover, with gold leaf lettering,
Book is approx. 7x5.25 inches. The cover shows its wear on the inside cover hinge, ends of the spine, & corners as slightly faded. Cover & Spine are strong and intact.

The inside Lithuanian text/pages are very clean & tidy. No writing or bends showing, all aged in that light manila tone. It has that appearance of not having been fussed with, so to speak.

Any questions, do not hesitate. We literally found no other books by this Gentleman, to compare this with, as He had passed before 1956.. Perhaps there are some Historians among you. Thank you for your time here.