Made in USA Earthing Grounding Mat 20" x 12" with Cord 

Universal Earthing Mat, use:
  • under your laptop or other electrical device
  • under a desk with bare foot contact
  • on bed 
  • on sofa. 
Package includes
  • Earthing Mat ( made with carbon threads )
  • 8 ft uncoiled cord
  • instructions.

Ready to use, just plug in.

What is earthing?

Earthing refers to contact with the Earth's surface electrons by walking barefoot outside or sitting, touching the earth, or by making skin contact with a conductive sheet, pillow case or mat which transfer excess charge from the body to the earth.

Modern lifestyle has increasingly separated us from the flow of Earth's electrons. For example, we have increasingly worn insulating rubber or plastic soled shoes, instead of the traditional leather fashioned from hides which facilitates the transfer of charge between the earth and our bodies.