Newborn Breast Feeding & Bottle Feeding

This nursing pillow places your baby at an ergonomic position for a comfortable breastfeeding or bottle-feeding experience.

It also reduces back pain and minimizes strain in the elbows and wrists so you can focus on your little one.

Perfect For Tummy Time

When baby is about 6 months old, just turn out this pillow into tummy time pad, it's quite a workout getting all of those muscles ready for rolling and sitting.

Lightweight and portable design makes this pillow can be used in bed, crib, car seat, stroller and cradle.

Ideal For Propping & Sitting

Designed for your baby's supervised, awake time, this nursing pillow supports your newborn through their entire first year with propping, sitting as well.

Supporting The Back During Pregnancy & Baby Feeding Is Essential.

Your midwife or doctor will advise you that support when there is additional weight on your lumbar region stops the potential for long-term on-going issues after the baby is born. Our nursing pillow will help ease the pressure that one might feel when sitting down during the latter stages of pregnancy as well as during the breastfeeding.

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