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What if we decided to travel differently? By simply taking the time...

More and more of us are getting on a bike to practice another, slower form of tourism, in France or elsewhere. Off the beaten track by the crowds, everything takes on a different flavor on a bicycle. Whether you cycle along a river or the sea, cross forests or travel through villages, discover a forgotten heritage, the sensations are no longer the same. As the landscapes pass by at slow speed, we immerse ourselves in nature, at our own pace.

This is slow tourism, a way of life which allows you to immerse yourself in the culture of the territories crossed, to encourage exchanges with local populations and to share good deals and emotions between amateurs. Cycling ticks all the boxes in this new way of spending your vacation. In addition, it is a means of transport without impact on the planet.

For a hike lasting several days or a few hours, alone or with family, in pairs or with friends, you don't need to be an experienced cycle tourist to get started. There is no shortage of guides, blogs and applications to provide sound technical advice and help us choose among the many cycle routes that crisscross the French regions. A favorite theme, such as history, gastronomy, crafts, literature, can also serve as a common thread for the chosen circuit.

On a bike, whether off-road (MTB), all-terrain (VTC), electrically assisted (VAE)… the magic happens. The five senses awake, free to move around, reconnect with your body, recharge your batteries and above all, let go in a kind of active contemplation. A powerful experience that gives new meaning to the trip.
