Embark on a journey through the golden age of gaming with the POWKIDDY A30 Handheld Game Console. Featuring a brilliant 2.8-inch IPS HD screen and a built-in library of 4000 games, this console is a retro gaming paradise in the palm of your hands.

Key Features:
2.8-Inch IPS HD Display:
Immerse yourself in the nostalgia of classic games on the vibrant 2.8-inch IPS HD screen. The crystal-clear display ensures a visually stunning experience, bringing retro games to life.
Portable Retro Gaming: 
Take your favorite games wherever you go with the portable design of the A30. Experience the joy of retro gaming on the bus, during breaks, or in the comfort of your own space.
Easy Navigation:
The user-friendly interface allows for seamless navigation through the extensive game library. Quickly find and play your favorite titles with ease.
32GB Internal Storage:
Enjoy the convenience of ample storage space with the 32GB internal memory. Carry a vast collection of games without the need for additional cartridges or accessories.
Long-lasting Battery:
The A30 is equipped with a reliable battery, ensuring extended play sessions without interruptions. Game on and let the nostalgia flow without worrying about running out of power.
Connectivity Options:
Explore modern conveniences with the A30's connectivity options. Connect to your PC or other devices effortlessly and enhance your gaming experience.
Retro Gaming Reimagined:
The POWKIDDY A30 is not just a console; it's a celebration of the classic gaming era. Relive the magic of timeless titles and create new memories with this handheld gem.

Step into the past with the POWKIDDY A30 Handheld Game Console—a compact powerhouse that brings the best of retro gaming to the present day.