George was born in Coxlodge and resided in Gosforth, Northumberland. He enlisted in the Northumberland Fusiliers and landed in France on the 20th April 1915. in May he would find himself in the Second Battle of Ypres. Where on the 24th he was in the La Brique sector at 2:30 am the Germans commenced an attack using asphyxiating gas the wind being favourable for use against our trenches. This gas was accompanied by heavy shrapnel + high explosive shell fire with that result that parts of the trench were practically demolished. The Essex who were on the left of the line being held by the 12th Brigade indevoured to dispense the gas by rapid fire with litte effect but doubt it stopped some men becoming asphyxiated has they lain low in the trenches. Directly the bombardment started the company of the Essex who had lain in support advanced to the front line losing several men during this advance and 2 companys of the South Lancs who has been in reserve on the Canal Bank were ordered to move up to the 2nd line. The Kings own who succeeded in holding their line despite suffering heavily from the gas and shell fire unfortunately however suffered severely from the gas fumes large numbers of men being overcome before they could take steps to combat them under cover of the gas. The Germans delivered an infantry attack the Dublin Fusiliers and Royal Irish on the right of the Kings Own. The Dublins had to retire with the result that the trenches occupied by the Royal Irish were enfiladed large numbers of men being killed and wounded. The Irish were now compelled to evacuate their trenches leaving many men behind suffering from gas poisoning these men either being killed or taken prisoner by the enemy who swarmed into the trenches. From the trenches abandoned by the Royal Irish the enemy directed their attack against the Kings Own who repulsed it but not without however loosing several officers & men. CSM Allan and 2107 Pte J Scot of the Northumberland Fusiliers showed conspicuous bravery while defending a barricade in the Kings Own trenches. CSM Allan gallantry defending the barricade with a revolver when he was mortally wounded in the back with a hand grenade, he would be mentioned in despatched for his brave act. The German attack was also attempted against the line held by the Essex but only but small numbers of Germans who were easily driven back. The companies of the South Lancs who had moved up to the 2nd line has meanwhile advanced to the Support Line and the other two companies who has been lying in reserve on the Canal Bank also moved up to the Support Line at 11am in the rear of the Kings Own and Essex. Heavy artillery fire was kept up by both sides till about 5pm. At 8pm the Lancs Fusiliers + the Warwicks attempted a counter attack which was directed against our trenches abandoned in the morning. The Kings Own and Essex meanwhile receiving orders to stand fast. On the failure of this attack the Kings Own and Essex were told to retire. The Kings Own retiring to the Canal Bank at 11pm, their retirement being covered by the Essex who towards midnight themselves moved back to a new line + dug themselves in 600 yards in front of Irish Farm. One company retiring to Irish Farm. The survivors of the Royal Irish who has lain in some reserve trenches during the day also retired to Irish Farm. The whole retirement was well carried out and without loss. The 5th Northumberland Fusiliers casualties were A Company attached to the 5th South Lancs 3 OR killed 18 wounded and 12 missing, B Company attached to the Kings Own Officers 2 killed Other ranks 5 killed 31 wounded 13 missing 8 suffering from gas poisoning, C Company attached to Essex Regiment OR 5 killed 15 wounded 13 missing, D Company attached to Royal Irish Officers 1 killed 3 in hospital with gas poisoning 3 missing OR 5 killed 11 wounded 123 missing. Among those killed/missing that day George Hetherington Nixon.

Included is Georges Medal Index Card, Forces War Record, Medal Roll, 1881 1891 1901 and 1911 Census, War Diary, Picture on the memorial and other information.

2635 George Hetherington Nixon

Killed in action 24th May 1915

1st/5th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers

Remembered with honour on the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial