Canon C-8 Wide Converter 0.65X Lens

Complete With Caps & Tube Attachment

For Various Canon Super 8 Movie Cameras

Great Overall Cosmetic Condition

Nice Clean & Clear Optics

Fully Functional - Ready For Use

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Canon C-8 Wide-Converter 0.65x is an attachment lens with 48mm screw-diameter for converting into wide type zoom lenses respectively. Lens is attached to taking lens of the Canon Auto Zoom 518 SV Super 8, Auto Zoom 518 Super 8, Zoom 518 Super 8, Single 8 518 SV, Single 8 518 and Cine Zoom 512.

When attaching Wide-Converter, the converted focal length after attachment becomes 0.65x. Taking an Auto Zoom 518 with its own 9.S - 47.5mm focal distance as an example, when it is attached to Wide-Converter 0.65x ,the focal length becomes 6.2 to 31mm. It makes possible shooting in a wide angle from standard to super-wide.