Neighborhood Rendezvous (Paperback book) transgender erotica shemale seduction

Neighborhood Rendezvous: A Transgender Erotica Tale

Paperback book by: P.J. Rhory

Neighborhood Rendezvous: A Transgender Erotica Tale Imagine wanting someone so badly, you would be willing to do just about anything to be with them… As the saying goes, “Be careful what you ask for. You just might get it.” 

Jason Winters is a young single police officer living life in Atlanta, Georgia. When the beautiful and mysterious neighbor Sylvia moves in the house next door, she catches his eye among many other things. After inviting him over for drinks, Jason decides to make his move on the exotic Sylvia and declare his feelings for her. But soon he finds out he may have bitten off more than he can chew when he discovers not 1, but 2 explosive secrets about his sexy neighbor. 

Will Jason be willing to test his limits? What will he learn about himself? This steamy erotica short story is nothing less than hot and is not for the faint at heart. It will challenge you to examine your own boundaries and ideas about sex, power and gender roles.