Social Distortion Skelly 3 3/4-Inch ReAction Actionfiguren

  • Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Deutschlands !
  • DHL Paketversand !
  • Auch Zustellung Packstation !
  • Ihr vertrauensvoller Partner seit 1994 !
  • Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet wegen verschluckbarer Kleinteile.

39,99 EUR inkl. MwSt, inkl. Versand


Join the punk rock party with the iconic mascot of Social Distortion, Skelly! This 3 3/4-inch articulated Social Distortion ReAction figure of Skelly features the jaunty skeleton with trademark hat and cigarette as well as martini glass accessory. He's as timeless as the band itself and the story of your collection won't be the same without the Social Distortion ReAction figure of Skelly!