A Charlotte Hornets Larry Johnson #2 NBA Navy Blue Basketball Jersey T-shirt would likely pay tribute to Larry Johnson's tenure with the Charlotte Hornets. Here's what you might expect from this type of jersey shirt:

Player: Larry Johnson, a former NBA player, wore jersey number 2 during his time with the Charlotte Hornets.

Design: This T-shirt is likely designed to resemble the appearance of an official NBA jersey, displaying the team name, player's number, and possibly additional details such as the NBA logo and Hornets' branding.

Fan Apparel: These shirts are popular among fans who want to honor their favorite players and teams. It allows fans to celebrate Larry Johnson's contributions to the Charlotte Hornets.

Authenticity: While resembling a jersey, these shirts are T-shirts made for fans and may not be the official game-quality jerseys worn by NBA players during games.

Fans often wear these shirts to pay homage to iconic players like Larry Jo