Red Dragon Fruit Plant Cutting, 12- 20cm, organic Red Skin With Red Flesh.

X 1 Cutting

When established has big beautiful flowers that only come out at night

And not at least it will fruit as well

Easy growing lightly water regularly until established

Red Dragon Fruit, also known as Pitaya, is a beautiful tropical fruit in the cactus family with bright magenta flesh speckled with small, edible seeds. The flavor is sweet with an earthy note. The texture of dragon fruit is often compared to kiwifruit.

What is red dragon fruit good for?

Dragon fruit is high in vitamin C and other antioxidants, which are good for your immune system. It can boost your iron levels. Iron is important for moving oxygen through your body and giving you energy, and dragon fruit has iron. And the vitamin C in dragon fruit helps your body take in and use the iron.

What does red dragon fruit taste like?

So what does dragon fruit taste like? Dragon fruit has a light, slightly sweet flavor that reminds folks of a cross between a pear and a watermelon, with the consistency of a kiwi.

How do you eat red dragon fruit?

How to Eat It

  1. Select a ripe fruit with bright red, evenly colored skin that gives slightly when squeezed.
  2. Use a sharp knife and cut straight through the fruit, slicing it in half.
  3. You can use a spoon to eat the fruit out of the skin or peel the skin off and slice the pulp into small pieces.