Brand New Iron Age Pull Up Bar Doorway US Invention Patent with Smart Hook Technology

Manufacturer info:


In addition to being the owner of Iron Age pull up bar, I’m also a lifelong pull-upper, who was extremely disappointed of the easy-bending and door-damaging bars in the market. So I decided to design a pullup bar both worthy of both my workout and my woodwork with . After three years' hard working with my our team, we have the ultimate Iron Age leverage-based multi-grip portable doorway chin up bar.

Unlike most other doorway bars, Iron Age hanging bar allows you to perform true wide grip pull ups. The grips extend to the outsides of your doorframe, not inside it. So it is easy to activate different muscles via gripping at different distances such as close grip, neutral grip, wide grip, etc. The various grips allow you to target different muscle groups in your shoulders, arms, back, etc.

Thanks to the Smart Hook Technology who applies the theory known as the Lever Law, Our door bar is with very compact structure, very solid and space-saving. Not a single screw is needed to stall, if you know how to tie your shoes, you will know how to install it within 15 seconds. Your doorframe is under great protection with no danger of being damaged. You will love it so much that you will be unwilling to take it off the doorframe even not in use. And with no doubt, The Iron Age Pull-Up Bar takes up the least space than all the other competitors in the market.

Tips before ordering:
*This pull up bar for doorway fits a door width of 27.56” - 36.22” and depth of 8.27”
*Safe weight limit up to 440 lb