In a like new condition this box set of Getting On includes all three series of the acclaimed TV comedy. The show features an all-star cast, including Jo Brand, Joanna Scanlan & Vicki Pepperdine.

Set in the geriatric ward of an NHS hospital, Getting On is centred around three brilliantly observed members of hospital staff - return-to-practice nurse Kim Wilde (Jo Brand), the lowest form of life on the ward after the lino; Sister Den Flixter (Joanna Scanlan), drowning in paperwork and beset by personal problems and the jargon-fuelled, stool-obsessed, ward doctor, Pippa Moore (Vicki Pepperdine).

The black comedy flows thick and fast as the staff get on with the daily round of bowel movements and hip problems whilst battling the endless form-filling, self-obsessed consultants, cuts and bickering in the furthest backwaters of the NHS.