Large Aloe Vera succulent houseplant Aloe Vera Barbadensis | 20cm tall in 8cm pot

This  Aloe Vera Barbadensis will make a stunning feature plant in any home and is one of the most easy to take care of houseplants. This Aloe needs very little attention and just a little bit of water every fortnight when the soil completely dries out.

Aloe Vera is widely known for its medicinal purposes with the flesh stored within the leaves. It is a well-known moisturiser with great soothing properties for sunburn, eczema and other dry skin conditions.

The plants provided will be 20 cm to 25 cm tall including the pot and are grown in 8 cm pots. These plants are ready for repotting in 12 cm pots to get maximum growth and also to encourage new plants to start growing from the base of the plant.

These plants are very easy to take care of, because of the drought tolerance with the plants ability to store water in the leaves. We recommend giving this plant a good drink once a fortnight, but only when the soil has completely dried out. We recommend also feeding monthly during the growing period from March to October.

As with all succulents this aloe will need a very free draining soil with lots of grit and horticultural sand.