Size: 15 x 19 x 0.6 cm
Color: pink, blue, green, yellow
Material: 100% Viscose Rayon, Suitable texture for removing Exfoliating skin cells and cleansing pores

Skin Types:
Dry, flakey skin.
Oily, combination skin.
Bumpy ingrown hairs and blocked pores.

How to use the exfoliating mitt :
1. Soften skin by warm water for 10 to 15 minutes. Doesn't need to be a bath; it also works at the end of a shower as well.
2. On wet skin, gently apply pressure and rub - you'll see the layer of dead skin being removed in balled-up pieces.
3. Washing and moisturize.

Warm Tips:
The Exfoliating washcloth can shrink in size after being soaked in water; you just need to simply stretch lightly.
Avoiding harsh scrubbing on sensitive skin; such as face, around the eyes and lips.
After used the exfoliating gloves , keep it in an airy place.
It is better to exchange washcloths every two to three weeks.