Product Overview

TYLENOL® PM Extra Strength Caplets temporarily relieve aches and pain and help you fall asleep fast. Made with both acetaminophen and diphenhydramine HCl, it is non-habit forming when use as directed.

  • Fall asleep fast and stay asleep and relieve minor pain with this nighttime pain relief medicine from the #1 doctor recommended brand for pain with sleeplessness.
  • With Tylenol PM Extra Strength Caplet Pain Reliever plus Sleep Aid, we give you a better night. You're a better you all day.
  • This pain relief sleep aid is intended for use by adults and children who are 12 years of age and older and is not suitable for younger children or babies.

How pain impacts sleep

Causes poor-quality sleep, sleep loss, and increased stress.

Pain with Sleeplessness Relief

Millions of Americans lose ­sleep due to pain. In fact, 36% have suffered from acute pain in the past week, according to the National Sleep Foundation. At least half of people who suffer from osteoarthritis have a difficult time falling, and staying, asleep.

Believe it or not, 1 in 3 American adults have trouble sleeping. Are you one of them? Getting enough uninterrupted sleep can make a world of difference for your mental and physical health.
You might not be getting enough sleep if you:

You might not be getting enough sleep if you:

  • Have difficulty making decisions and solving problems.
  • Feel like you could doze-off during daily activities, such as sitting in traffic or watching TV.
  • Make mistakes and take longer than normal to complete tasks.
  • Have trouble controlling your emotions.
  • Have difficulty learning or remembering things.

Not getting enough sleep can have negative impacts on our mental and physical health.

Make sure you're maintaining a healthy sleep schedule to enjoy these benefits of a good night's sleep.

Sleep & Mental Health

  • A good night’s sleep can enhance your memory and problem-solving skills.
  • Maintaining a healthy sleep schedule helps you stay motivated, alert, and engaged.
  • A full night’s sleep can help your mood and even prevent feelings of depression.
Sleep & Physical Health

Sleep & Physical Health

  • A solid night of sleep can help you maintain a healthy weight.
  • Sleep helps your immune system stay strong. The less you sleep, the harder it can be to fight common infections.
  • While you’re asleep, your body repairs important cells and tissues.
Chances are if you’re having trouble falling asleep, your actions during the day are not setting you up for a successful night of sleep. Try following these tips during the day to help you fall asleep easier. Sleep tight!

When you run out of sheep to count, remember these simple tips for better sleep:

Keep things consistent.
Stick to the same sleep schedule every night—even on weekends! Before long your body will know when to sleep and when to wake up.

No more naps.
At least not in the late afternoon. If you do decide to doze off, keep naps to 20 minutes or less.

Lights out.
The smallest amount of light or noise can signal your brain to be alert.

Avoid using cell phones, laptops, or watching TV in your bed. The artificial blue light confuses your body into thinking that it’s daytime. Pick up a book instead!

If you time it right, regular exercise can help you sleep better too. Start your day with a morning workout to experience longer, deeper sleep cycles.

Caffeinate with caution.
Limiting your caffeine and alcohol intake can help you sleep more soundly.

Eat light at night.
Keep your digestive system (and bladder!) on track at night. Eating heavy meals or consuming a lot of liquids too close to bedtime can cause nature to call at unwanted times of the night, or even nightmares.

At the end of the day, you can also turn to TYLENOL® PM when pain is keeping you awake. Use as directed.

Understanding Sleep

When sleep is good, you wake feeling rested and refreshed. But to get there, you must experience each of the sleep stages. The stages of sleep can be broken down into two categories: REM (rapid eye movement) and NREM (non-rapid eye movement).

NREM Sleep

NREM sleep makes up about 75% of your total sleep time and consists of progressively deeper stages of sleep.
  • N1 (Stage 1) – The lightest stage of sleep, when you are between being awake and asleep.
  • N2 (Stage 2) – When you fall more soundly asleep and become unaware of your surroundings.
  • N3 (Stages 3 and 4) – Stages of deep, restorative sleep believed to be important to your health. Brain activity occurs in slow waves during this stage and you can be difficult to awaken

REM Sleep

  • This stage of sleep is characterized by an active brain and is when dreams occur. Lasting about 10 minutes, this typically happens 90 minutes after you fall asleep and every 90 minutes thereafter. Your eyes move but your body is still relaxed.
  • A night of sleep generally begins with long periods of deep sleep with shorter REM periods. Closer to morning, REM sleep increases as deep sleep stages decrease.
  • This cycle of NREM sleep to REM sleep continues throughout the night, working together to refresh and restore your body while you rest. A good night’s sleep revitalizes and restores your body. It brightens your mood, boosts creativity, regulates hormones, and protects against illness. For optimal health, most adults should try to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.

TYLENOL® PM for Pain Relief and Nighttime Sleep Aid

Acetaminophen, found in over-the-counter (OTC) medications like TYLENOL®, is a safe pain relief option when used as directed.

What you need to know and do:

  • Know that acetaminophen is a common pain reliever and is in many different medicines.
  • Know that acetaminophen is safe and effective when you take the right amount. Always read the label and follow the directions for how much medicine to take.
  • Check your medicine before you take it to see if it contains acetaminophen.
  • Do not take more than one medicine at a time that contains acetaminophen.
  • Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure if one or more of your medicines contain acetaminophen.