Let all hell break loose. Get this fun Drinking Dice Game and blow everybody's mind. Throw the dice and then do as the die says - it could be 'Big Swig ' or 'Nominate', 'Down In One', or 'Little Sip' - if you are lucky BUT no drink if you're not. 

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Fun Drinking Dice Game

The idea is to get everyone high at supersonic speed. The last man (or woman!) standing picks his/her way through this drunken orgy and calls up taxis to drop the guys and gals home safe and sound, that is if there is an ounce of good sense left after the die has finished with everyone. Or the last person standing gets free drinks for the next six months. You can make this up as you go along!

Drinking dice game options are:

This drinking dice game is a great idea for a party. Get one today!