Wild Freedom Adult Wide Country Sterilised - Poultry Dry Cat Food grain-free

Treat your feline friend to the best with Wild Freedom Adult Wide Country Sterilised - Poultry Dry Cat Food. This gourmet, grain-free, and organic cat food is specially formulated with hairball control to ensure that your adult cat stays healthy and satisfied. Made with high-quality chicken as the main ingredient, this dry cat food is perfect for your sterilised cat, providing the necessary nutrients they need for a balanced diet. With a unit type of kg, this cat food is easy to measure and administer, giving your cat the perfect portion size every time. Give your cat the gift of healthy, delicious food with Wild Freedom Adult Wide Country Sterilised - Poultry Dry Cat Food.

Wild Freedom Adult Wide Country Sterilised - Poultry dry cat food at a glance:

  • Balanced, complete dry food suitable for sterilised adult cats
  • Total meat content: 70 %
  • 40% fresh meat for an easy digest, well accepted meal
  • Low fat and balanced protein content help to maintain ideal body weight
  • 100 % grain-free
  • With linseed to help support the digestive system, rich in healthy omega fatty acids
  • Enriched with herbs
  • Gently prepared
  • Free from artificial preservatives, aromas and colours
  • Lactose and gluten-free