light wear, please see pictures

Don Messer Show Souvenir Book with Pictures

 1959 16 pages Maritime Music Band History

This 16-page booklet contains black and white photographs and biographies of all the principal singers and musicians featured in the popular 1959 TV programme The Don Messer Show which became Don Messer's Jubilee shortly thereafter. Included in the booklet are Don Messer himself, Marg Osburne, Charlie Chamberlain and many others. Don Messer was born in New Brunswick, Canada. He became famous for his fiddle playing and formed a band known as Don Messer and his Islanders. The group's sound was extremely popular at the time and remains so today. It is difficult to define but seems to combine elements of folk, Celtic and country. The booklet measures 8 1/4" x 5 1/4". Condition is very good.

have lots of instruction books on music, magazines and other cool stuff so will do combined shipping