Soyuz TMA-18M crew: Russian cosmonaut Sergey Volkov, ESA Danish astronaut Andreas Mogensen and Kazakh cosmonaut Aidan Aimbetov signed colour photo in black sharpie, size 4” x 6”,  Photo printed on Fujicolor Crystal Archive Paper.

Excelent condition.

Soyuz TMA-18M was a 2015 Soyuz spaceflight to ISS. It provided the two twelve-months occupants NASA astronaut Scott Kelly and Roscosmos cosmonaut Mikhail Korniyenko at the International Space Station with a fresh Soyuz capsule. TMA-18M was the 127th flight of a Soyuz spacecraft; the first having occurred in 1967. Soyuz TMA-18M launched  Russian commander Sergey Volkov and two flight engineers from Denmark ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen and Kazakh cosmonaut Aidan Aimbetov. The flight launched in September 2015 and returned to Earth in March 2016.

The Kazakh Aidyn Aimbetov was the first to fly cosmonaut from Kazakhstan.  The ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen became the first Dane in space.