Vintage tshirt with double sword graphic.

Fleet Hospital 15 AL-JABAIL SAUDI ARABIA 1990-91

Size 42 (Equivalent to an XL)

***NOTE: This tshirt appears to be irregular due to the side seams wrapping around near the bottom (see close up of pictures) The hems still appear to be straight. No holes. It is 27.5” long

Foxtex Foxtec 100% Cotton

During Operation Desert Storm, Fleet Hospital Fifteen, the northern-most deployed hospital, was 118 miles south of the Kuwaiti border. Al Jabayl

The Navy's Fleet Hospitals during Desert Storm:

Fleet Hospital # 5 was the first to be deployed in Saudi Arabia. On Aug. 24th, 1990 the advanced party began assembling the Fleet Hospital to be used for the first time in a combat situation. Just 16 days after deployment, the hospital was fully operational with 941 staff. Fleet Hospital 6, which had been prepositioned in Japan, and Fleet Hospital 15, which had been prepositioned in Norway were activated in Dec. 1990. Reserves were activated to man these hospitals. Fleet hospital 6 was assembled near Alwardi, Bahrain, and Fleet Hospital 15 was assembled near Al Jubayl, Saudi Arabia. Fleet Hospitals 5 and 15 received most of the combat casualties, while Fleet Hospital 6 received transfers from the Army MASH units near the Iraqi boarder. More than 160 casualties were treated in the fleet hospitals. FH 5 packed for redeployment and personnel departed my mid-March 1991. FH 6 and FH 15 remained active until April 11, 1991 when the cease-fire is signed. They were then packed for redeployment and personnel departed by late April 1991. By July 1991 all Fleet Hospital equipment deployed to SE Asia had been returned to US for reconstitution