Pleas allow 1-2 weeks shipping for this item . I have to travel to a very remote commune to acquire these unique pendants. Its a bit of a task so please be patient it will take time but I guarantee you will receive your pendant .

Nestled in the dense, verdant forests of North Carolina, a community of witches has long practiced their sacred rituals. In these secluded woods, where the atmosphere is thick with the energies of the earth and the ancient trees stand as silent witnesses, our Labradorite Copper Pendant played a crucial role in their ceremonies.

This pendant, with its captivating iridescence and deep connection to intuition and transformation, has been at the heart of numerous rituals. The witches, known for their deep understanding of crystal energies and natural magic, specifically selected this Labradorite gem for its high vibrational qualities. Over years, the pendant absorbed the energies of countless moonlit ceremonies, solstice celebrations, and rites of passage.

The copper setting of the pendant, chosen for its conductive properties, has been meticulously crafted to complement the Labradorite, enhancing its natural ability to shield the wearer from negative energies and to foster a deeper connection to the subconscious.

Significance in Rituals:

During rituals, the pendant was often worn or placed at the center of altars, believed to amplify intentions, enhance psychic abilities, and facilitate transformative healing. Its presence was considered essential in ceremonies focusing on personal growth, spiritual journeying, and connecting with higher realms of consciousness.

Your Connection:

By acquiring this Labradorite Copper Pendant, you are not just owning a piece of jewelry; you are embracing a fragment of mystical history. Each time it rests against your skin or catches the light, you are reminded of its journey through the hands of wise practitioners, its silent witness to countless ceremonies, and its potent, stored energies waiting to align with your own path.

Embrace the legacy and the power of this enchanted pendant, and let it guide you on your own journey of transformation and discovery.

You are considering this pendant for its physical being as jewelry. *As per eBay policy I must state that any item listed as mystical, metaphysical, paranormal or extraordinary is not allowed on Ebay and is strictly for entertainment purposes only. The item is listed as jewelry and any information contained in this post is from MY OWN personal experiences with the item(s). So I am not and will not be held responsible for the level of activity or lack thereof activity of these items. This item is being sold as jewelry and not as haunted or by any means metaphysical.