Multiple layered Ice Tub,The Cold Pod cold water therapy tub is engineered from multiple layers of robust, waterproof and tear-resistant materials,this freestanding cold plunge features a PVC inner layer, Nylon outer layer and the middle layer is Pearl Foam.The recommended temperature for cold water immersion is

The Cold Pod offers powerful cryotherapeutic benefits for athletes, crossfitters, and Wim Hof enthusiasts. Facilitating faster recovery times, fewer muscle aches, better sleep and mental health, this innovative portable ice bath ensures you get the most from your whole-body training.

cold therapy tub

ice bath tub for athletes

Skip the morning coffee and take a plunge instead. Ice bath therapy has been shown to be highly effective at increasing circulation, decreasing inflammation, and calming the central nervous system. It’s increasing in popularity not only with athletes, but also with biohackers looking to upgrade their health and vitality. Cold water immersion is a safe and natural method of improving the natural recovery process of the human body.