StashLight - Valuables Safe - Stash - Hide - Fake light bulb for small Items

Don't tell me you've gone to get that last 1/8th of squidgy black you've been saving for a special occasion, only to find that someone has beaten you to it and had away with the lot

The finger of blame lies at the foot of everyone in the household - You trust nobody, Grandma is the chief suspect...  a lot of Pink Floyd has been emanating from her side of the house lately but its probably your little brother

Either way

Here is a nifty little device designed to give your valuables the optimum chance of retrieval so you won't have to root for midgies knackers on the shag pile

Looks and feels like a reel light bulb - the cap simply pops of and you can insert whatever fits it - I demonstrated with a Vape and it just fits in at 95mm long
If you have a screw fitting socket just stick it it there for extra effect (I've got mine in an old lamp)

Obviously this is a dummy bulb so won't illuminate your room (but what you keep inside might) - The only Smart bulb you'll need - The rozzers winnet' look in 'ere