Framed picture

Wild Weasel

by Keith Ferris

"On the way back out, another SAM site came up to block our exit out of the target area, which was about 15 to 20 miles north of Hanoi. At that point we [our flight] only had one pod of rockets and 20mm cannon ammunition remaining but he fired two SAMs at us and we managed to acquire visually, put the rockets on him and machine gunned him out of commission."

Lt. Col. William P. Robinson Korat RTAFB, Thailand

Col. Robinson and his flight of four F-105F Wild Weasel aircraft were providing flak and SAM suppression for a strike force on a target north of Hanoi on 5th July 1967 when they encountered and destroyed four different SAM sites in succession, a most unusual record for a single mission.

The picture shows Lt. Col. Robinson and his Electronic Warfare Officer, Lt. Col. Peter Tsouprake "machine gunning" that fourth SAM site out of commission with their 20mm cannon, the only ordnance remaining on their F-105. Note the SAM site's supporting anti-aircraft guns firing from the dike to the right.

Robinson and Tsouprake were awarded the Air Force Cross for this action, second only to the Congressional Medal of Honor.

A smart picture framed in a 25 x 20 cm, (10 x 8 inch) size clipframe.