SIPPS Plus Routines & Sounds VHS videocassette by John Shefelbine & Katherine K. Newman.  Tape appears clean & unused.

The not-so-fine print (it's a good idea to read this): Returns not accepted, unless error or oversight in posting (no refunds for "doesn't fit"). I work hard at being detailed in my pic's/descriptions so you can feel confident buying--view pic's carefully, read description, ask questions -- I am attentive to my messages. Please check description for answers to questions, many questions asked are answered already in the description. Items listed may need washing as they may be vintage and may have been stored for long periods of time.

Re: Shipping:  Items may be crammed into the smallest packaging so as to save the buyer money on shipping.  I do not try to make money on shipping and am aware how much shipping costs add to the cost of the item, however, I do not cram to the point of harming the item.