This listing is for a used original hood from a 1935 Ford car.   Pretty nice, has old green paint so nothing is being hidden, seems relatively straight, hinges all work freely.  It is missing the trim from one of the side panels, otherwise very nice for an original used one.   I can take more pictures if need be, it was hard to get this set up nice for photographs with good lighting.

EDIT someone asked me to really check over the hood top panels to see if there were any issues on them, and I found 3 things.  On the left hand panel, on the edge that meets the cowl, there's a spot that's bent up just slightly, see the first closeup pic, I'm using a sheet of paper as a straightedge so you can see it.   There's also a shallow dent in the right hand side where it curves down to meet the side panel, shown in the second and third closeup, and on the left hand, up front where the hinge meets the grille shell, there's a spot that looks like slight a high spot, see 4th and 5th closeup.   All easily fixable, a few light taps with the hammer and dolly and it'd be nice again, but I want to be totally up front about the current condition.

Usually I can ship stuff out within a couple days, but once in a while the shop is busy and it'll take a bit longer.   Let me know if you need this right away and I'll see what I can do.

Feel free to email me with any questions.  Check out my other listings as I may have other parts from this car.