Runescape Kingdoms Shadow of Elvarg KS Kickstarter Exclusive Core Pledge. Everything still sealed.

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🔥 RuneScape Kingdoms: Shadow of Elvarg
👨‍🍳 Culinaromancer Expansion (Exclusive!)
✅ All Unlocks (Exclusive!)
In this cooperative campaign game for 1-5 players, you’ll explore the kingdoms of Asgarnia and Misthalin from above on a game board styled like a fast-travel map. Jump from region to region, while levelling your skills, completing quests, and tackling tough bosses, in this fresh but faithful adaptation of the fantastically popular RuneScape video games. Whether you want to sample all the side quests or cut a straight path through the campaigns, RuneScape Kingdoms lets you play your way.
You’ll also get your hands on ALL the Kickstarter-exclusive unlocks, as well as being able to sample the delights of the Culinaromancer Expansion!