A classic pair of historic Drama Review publications. One from each side of the pond, for the theatre enthusiast or historian. I suppose I need to give the slight excitement edge to the Volume 10 Number 2, Winter 1965 issue of Tulane Drama Review. First because it is a full 248 pages of critical review and information and second, because it contains the 2 fantastic theatrical foldouts. The powerful offset lithograph for Fluxus printed on deep orange paper, and then the complex fold out rendition of City Scale. I would ask you to reference the photographs for the complete list of dramatic articles and fine contributors which fill the pages of this publication. I can't say the second publication is any less powerful in form or content. It is the first edition No. 1 December, 1946 issue of THE MASQVE. A Theatre Notebook published by The Curtain Press Limited and edited by Lionel Carter. This first edition of a short run 3 year publication featured Laurence Olivier as King Lear performing at THE OLD VIC theatre London as reviewed by Ivor Brown. Perhaps the greatest highlights of this 16 page booklet are the wonderful full color book plate illustrations of various costume and set renditions. These include a First Sketch of Gloucester's Castle, King Lear's Act 1 costume, the costumes of Cordelia and The Fool, and a first sketch of The Farm. Other pages include actual production photos and the review comments. A classic combination of Theatre, Play and leading actor wrapped up in 1 historic pamphlet. I understand where one may reach out requesting the purchase of only one of these fine publications due to the dramatic content and age differences, so as usual I will utilize the "BEST OFFER" format so you can make an offer specifying purchase interest in only one piece. Of course,  free shipping, a worthy charity donation are also always included.